Announcing: A Symposium on Disruptive Legal Technology

§ February 13th, 2011 § Filed under Announcement, Conference § 1 Comment

As promised, after noodling around with a bunch of ideas, we’ve been working hard behind the scenes on a few projects to take place and launch this spring, but today I’m glad to officially go public with one of them.

Terrifically excited today to announce that we’ll be hosting the first ever New and Emerging Legal Infrastructures Conference (NELIC). We’ve secured space at Berkeley Law School on April 15th, to hold a one-day conference bringing together the technologists, entrepreneurs, and lawyers who are working on the biggest disruptive technologies and platforms in the legal industry. There’ll be four sessions, spanning a whole range of topics, specifically:

1) Quantitative Legal Prediction

Might recent work in machine learning and natural language processing influence legal practice and strategy? To what extent can judicial decision-making be reduced to statistical modeling and prediction?

2) Legal Financing and Securitization

As banks and other firms continue to experiment with the finance and investment of lawsuits, what is the long-term impact on the legal marketplace? Could it open the door to securitization and larger tradable legal assets?

3) The Future of Legal Automation

What is the current state of the automation of legal tasks, and how far can it scale? How much can be replaced by these applications, and what does the legal profession look like in a world of broad automation and commodification?

4) Legal Interfaces and User Experiences

Interacting with the law through simple, easy-to-use online platforms opens the possibility for broadening accessibility to the legal system. How might this be used?

We’re in the process of bringing together the speakers for each of the sessions, and will be making announcements on this as things continue to come together in February. Currently, registration is closed (and will be opening later in March), but if you or your organization would be interested in attending the event, drop a line to!

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